R & B Management of FL, LLC

manages websites related to health care, pet health care and model trains

To access our websites click on the buttons below.

Health Care Products : : .Frontier Pharmaceutical Inc. (USA) formulates oral hygiene and topical skin products based on the unviversal antiseptic properties of chlorine dioxide.

Nail-it for Nails : Healthy Toes and finger nails through the control of nail fungus

Hangover Cure: How to prevent a Hangover and avoid the adverse affects of alcohol consumption.

Pet Health Care Products: Select products for the care of your Dog and Cat

Veterinary Health Care Products : Frontier Pharmaceutical Veterinary Division Website featuring Ciderm (Dermal), Earigant (Ear) and Cident (Oral) products for animals

Model Train Sounds:    Projects for Model Railroad enthusiasts in Lighting, Sound, Electronics  and Scenery

Websites For Sale We have several Website Domains for sale including SimpleBizop.com, ForfastSale.com and Netmallshops.com.